
Neuro Emotional Technique

A unique modality based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, NET uses the body’s own biofeedback mechanisms to identify and release unresolved emotional stress and chronic pain, helping to reshape the nervous system towards a state of emotional regulation and safety.

Botanicals & Nutraceuticals

Plants and nutritional supplements can be powerful allies in supporting our healing. When thoughtfully chosen by trained practitioners, they can provide greater therapeutic benefit and fewer long-term risks than pharmaceuticals.

Gut Health

A well-balanced gut microbiome is essential for the optimal functioning of the brain and nervous system. I assess for hidden nutritional deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, and food sensitivities that may be causing or exacerbating your symptoms.

Hormone Balancing

Hormones play a crucial role in feeling our best and when imbalanced often present as psychiatric symptoms. Chronic stress, gut imbalances, and total toxic load all contribute to imbalances in our hormone system as well.

Somatic Psychotherapy

In addition to utilizing NET for emotional stress, I draw on my experience with Polyvagal-Informed Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and Dialectial Behavioral Therapy.

Existential &

Spiritual Matters

Connection is a powerful healer of wounds and promoter of resilience. I’ll help you explore the big questions of making meaning, finding purpose, living with authenticity, and building a life worth living with others.


Movement is an important part of what makes us feel fully alive and present. I’ll work with you to determine if specific body movements may be beneficial for addressing your particular health needs and improving your overall quality of life.


Though many people are able to achieve balance without pharmaceuticals, some patients greatly benefit from them. I am happy to assist you by offering judicious prescribing in combination with my other treatment approaches.

 Uncover more of who you are and do more of what you love